Thursday, May 3, 2012

Thursday, May 3, 2012

Our day began with a visit to Jamtli History Land this morning.  This is a combination of an outdoor living-history museum with indoor exhibits that tell the history of Jämtland.  Visitors have the opportunity to see how life was lived in various eras of the 18th through the 20th century.  

Kristi in a 19th Century Classroom

The highlight of this museum was the Overhogdal tapestries.  These are the best preserved Viking tapestries in existence and date from between 800-1100 AD, thus making them older than the Bayeux tapestries in France.  

The Overhogdal Tapestries

Our first official presentation in Sweden was given today at the Östersund Wargentin Rotary Club.
The Birka Folk High School was on the agenda for the afternoon.  The headmaster gave us a presentation that explained the philosophy behind this "liberal arts" school.  This school does not function in the same way as an American high school; it is for students ages 18 and older who are interested in developing a cultural education with an emphasis on personal development.


  1. Your blog is GRRRREAAATTT !!!!!!

    Miss you guys already,


    1. Thanks John! I know I speak for the group when I say that we're having a great time! We'll see you soon,
